The Infamous "Nuclear Gandhi" Bug: Fact or Fiction?
The gaming world is rife with legends, and among the most enduring is the tale of "Nuclear Gandhi" from the original Civilization game. This article delves into the history of this infamous bug, separating fact from fiction.
The Legend: A Pacifist's Nuclear Arsenal
The story goes that in the original Civilization, leaders had an aggression rating (1-10 or 1-12). Gandhi, being historically pacifist, started at 1. Upon adopting democracy, his aggression supposedly decreased by 2, resulting in a -1 value. The legend claims this triggered an integer overflow, turning his aggression to 255, making him a nuclear-wielding maniac.
The Reality: Debunking the Myth
Sid Meier himself debunked this in 2020. He stated that the variables were signed, preventing the overflow. Furthermore, government type didn't affect aggression. Brian Reynolds, Civilization II's lead designer, corroborated this, revealing only three aggression levels existed in the original game.
The Spread of the Legend
The Nuclear Gandhi myth didn't gain traction until the mid-2010s, long after the original game's popularity waned. Its spread was likely fueled by a combination of factors, including its inherent humor and the difficulty of verifying its truth.
A Twist: The Civilization V Version
While the original Civilization didn't feature Nuclear Gandhi, Civilization V did! Jon Shafer, the lead designer, intentionally coded Gandhi with a high preference for nuclear weapons. This likely contributed to the myth's persistence.
The Legacy
Civilization VI even acknowledged the legend, giving Gandhi a high chance of the "Nuke Happy" hidden agenda. However, with Gandhi's absence in Civilization VII, the myth might finally be laid to rest—or will it?
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