In the realm of Dynasty Warriors games, despite the emphasis on hack-and-slash combat, a level of skill is undeniably necessary. Dynasty Warriors: Origins acknowledges this by offering four distinct difficulty settings, enabling players to customize their gaming experience based on their skill level and desired challenge.
As a reboot, Dynasty Warriors: Origins caters to both newcomers and seasoned players, who may be uncertain about the optimal difficulty setting. The best choice depends on individual skill and the level of challenge sought from the game.
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All Dynasty Warriors: Origins Difficulty Settings
In Dynasty Warriors: Origins, players can choose from four difficulty settings, though only three are initially available. At the start, players can select between Historian (easy), Wayfarer (normal), and Hero (hard). The Ultimate Warrior (very hard) setting becomes accessible after completing one of the three factions' main scenarios.
While there's a Trophy/Achievement for completing a single battle on Ultimate Warrior, there are no difficulty-specific rewards for finishing the main campaign.
Which Dynasty Warriors: Origins Difficulty Setting is Best?
For newcomers to the action-adventure genre or those focused on the story, Historian is the ideal choice. Wayfarer is recommended for most players, even those with limited experience with Musou/Warriors games. Fans of the series might opt for Hero initially, while Musou experts could challenge themselves with Ultimate Warrior once unlocked, to keep the game engaging while tackling remaining missions, requests, and scenarios.
Players can adjust the difficulty setting between battles via the config menu without affecting the story.
Difficulty Mode Differences in Dynasty Warriors: Origins
On Historian, all enemy attacks are blockable, and it's easier to stagger enemies, gain bravery, and fill the Musou Gauge. Hero increases enemy strength and aggression, shortens parry and perfect evade windows, and eliminates Meat Bun drops. Blocking on Hero depletes bravery, reduces time to influence army battles, and slightly decreases Skill Points and gold earnings. Ultimate Warrior amplifies these effects with even tighter parry and evade windows and significantly reduced battle earnings.