Home News Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact Banned in Australia, No Reason Given

Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact Banned in Australia, No Reason Given

Author : Eric Jan 20,2025

Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact - Australian BanHunter x Hunter: Nen Impact, the anticipated fighting game, has been banned in Australia by the Australian Classification Board, receiving a Refused Classification (RC) rating on December 1st. The board offered no explanation for this decision.

Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact Banned Down Under

Refused Classification: A Game's Australian Fate

The RC rating effectively prohibits the game's sale, rental, advertisement, and import into Australia. The board states that RC-rated content falls outside generally accepted community standards, exceeding the thresholds of even the R 18+ and X 18+ categories.

While the criteria for an RC rating are generally well-defined, the game's ban is surprising. The official trailer shows typical fighting game fare, devoid of explicit sexual content, graphic violence, or drug use. However, unseen content within the game itself may be the cause. Alternatively, there could be administrative issues that could be resolved.

A Second Chance? Australia's Classification Board and Previous Bans

Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact - Australian BanAustralia's history with game bans is extensive, with numerous titles facing refusal and subsequent appeals. Past examples include Pocket Gal 2 (sexual content) and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (initially banned for sexual content, later receiving an MA 15+ rating after edits).

The Classification Board isn't inflexible. Games have successfully appealed RC ratings through content modifications, censorship, or compelling justifications. Disco Elysium: The Final Cut (initially banned for drug use) and Outlast 2 (sexual violence scene removed) are prime examples of successful appeals.

Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact - Australian BanThe developers of Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact still have options. By providing justification for the content, or by making edits to comply with Australian classification standards, they could potentially overturn the ban. The future of the game in Australia remains uncertain but not definitively closed.

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