Wizardry Variants Daphne Welcomes New Legendary Adventurer: Soaring Blackstar Savia!
The popular 3D dungeon RPG, Wizardry Variants Daphne, recently celebrated a million downloads and the launch of its official shop. Now, a significant update introduces a new Legendary adventurer: Soaring Blackstar Savia, a character specializing in evasion tactics.
Savia's kit includes two key abilities:
- Black Beast Feint: Increases evasion while making one enemy row easier to target. Successful evasions trigger a counterattack that pierces defense.
- Soaring Beast Knight: Further boosts evasion when equipped with a two-handed spear and light armor.
This update also brings a wealth of new content:
- Jet Black Knight of Freedom Missions (until March 5th): Complete objectives to earn points and rewards, including Unique Remains: Soaring Blackstar and the Codex of Learning.
- Limited Time Requests (until February 19th): Located at the Adventurer's Guild, these tasks offer Clock Tomes as rewards.
- Den Dispatch Requests (until February 26th): Complete these requests to earn various iron ores.
Evasion is Key to Victory!
Wizardry Variants Daphne continues its engaging gameplay loop: explore dungeons, collect loot, and grow stronger. Download Wizardry Variants Daphne for free on the App Store and Google Play (in-app purchases available).