World of Tanks Blitz Celebrates a Decade of Armored Combat!
World of Tanks Blitz is turning 10, and Wargaming is pulling out all the stops to celebrate! Get ready for a summer packed with anniversary events, giveaways, and exciting collaborations.
A Summer of Tank Battles and Galactic Adventures:
June kicks off the festivities with a birthday bash featuring missions that reward players with Tier VIII and even top-tier X tanks. July blasts off into space with a return of the popular "Objective: Sheridan Missile" event, promising a sci-fi collaboration with a legendary franchise. August concludes the summer celebration with the chaotic Mad Games event, bringing 10 days of unpredictable battlefield mayhem and a surprise weapon reveal.
Check out the official anniversary trailer:
A Decade of Tank Warfare:
It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since World of Tanks Blitz rolled onto the mobile scene with just 8 maps and 3 nations! The game has evolved dramatically, now boasting 11 game modes across 30+ maps and a massive roster of tanks. Its popularity has also expanded beyond mobile, now available on PC and Nintendo Switch, with over 180 million players worldwide.
Download World of Tanks Blitz today from the Google Play Store! And for more gaming news, check out our other articles.