This guide focuses on befriending Willy, a key NPC in Stardew Valley. Willy, a seasoned fisherman, offers early game assistance and valuable fishing supplies. Building a strong relationship with him yields significant benefits.
Befriending Willy is straightforward; regular interaction and thoughtful gifts are key. Rare fish are particularly appreciated.
Updated January 4, 2025: This guide reflects the 1.6 update, including new book gifts.
Gift Guide
Gifts significantly impact friendship levels. Willy's birthday (Summer 24) multiplies gift effectiveness eightfold.
Loved Gifts (+80 Friendship):
- High-Value Fish: Catfish, Octopus, Sea Cucumber, Sturgeon. (Images: Catfish (/uploads/46/1736153593677b99f9da830.png), Octopus (/uploads/01/1736153594677b99fa52422.png), Sea Cucumber (/uploads/04/1736153594677b99fa9c78b.png), Sturgeon (/uploads/58/1736153595677b99fb07c89.png))
- Fishing-Themed Books: Jewels of the Sea, The Art O' Crabbing. (Images: Jewels of the Sea (/uploads/76/1736153595677b99fb6509c.png), The Art O' Crabbing (/uploads/19/1736153595677b99fbbbb57.png))
- Crafted Items: Mead (Honey in a Keg - Image: (/uploads/14/1736153596677b99fc2bac3.png)), Gold Bar (Gold Ore in Furnace - Image: (/uploads/85/1736153596677b99fcaa227.png)), Iridium Bar (Iridium Ore in Furnace - Image: (/uploads/87/1736153597677b99fd431f2.png))
- Valuable Minerals: Diamond (Image: (/uploads/11/1736153597677b99fda2535.png))
- Seasonal Produce: Pumpkin (Image: (/uploads/87/1736153598677b99fe1ad09.png))
- Universally Loved Gifts
Liked Gifts (+45 Friendship):
- Fish-Based Cooked Dishes (excluding Dish O' the Sea, Sashimi, Maki Roll)
- Specific Fish: Lingcod (Image: (/uploads/12/1736153598677b99fe6f4ba.png)), Tiger Trout (Image: (/uploads/71/1736153599677b99ff04c4b.png))
- Minerals: Quartz (Image: (/uploads/97/1736153599677b99ff6aa98.png))
- Fishing Supplies: Bait and Bobber (Image: (/uploads/35/1736153599677b99ffdfd9b.png))
Disliked & Hated Gifts: Avoid foraged goods, non-fish-based cooked dishes, Life Elixir, universally disliked items (except for fish where he is neutral unless specified above).
Willy posts quests on the notice board, rewarding gold and friendship points upon completion. He also sends two letters challenging specific fish catches.
- Catch a Squid: (Winter 2, Year 1)
- Catch a Lingcod: (Winter 13, Year 2)
Friendship Perks:
Willy shares four fishing buff recipes at increasing friendship levels:
- 3 Hearts: Chowder (+1 Fishing) (Image: (/uploads/01/1736153603677b9a033c459.png))
- 5 Hearts: Escargot (+2 Fishing) (Image: (/uploads/88/1736153603677b9a0388ef7.png))
- 7 Hearts: Fish Stew (+3 Fishing) (Image: (/uploads/50/1736153604677b9a0411121.png))
- 9 Hearts: Lobster Bisque (+3 Fishing, +30 Max Energy) (Image: (/uploads/41/1736153604677b9a0466442.png))