Stardew Valley's heartwarming secret: Ducklings follow their moms! A player recently shared a delightful discovery within the beloved farming simulator: ducklings faithfully trail nearby adult ducks. This charming detail adds another layer of realism to Stardew Valley's already richly detailed world.
Ducks, available for 1200 gold once you own a Big Coop, might not be the top choice for many players (chickens, pigs, and cows often take precedence), but they offer valuable resources like Duck Eggs and Duck Feathers. These can be sold, gifted, or used in recipes such as Duck Mayonnaise.
Player Milkammy, while organizing their animal coops (one per animal type!), noticed this adorable behavior. The ducklings' unwavering devotion to their mothers charmed Milkammy and the Stardew Valley community alike, garnering over 1600 upvotes on their Reddit post.
Duckling Devotion: More Than Just Farm Fun
Comments on Milkammy's post revealed similar observations. Ducklings, it seems, will even follow their mothers into the water on beach farms! Interestingly, this isn't unique to ducks; some players noted that young chickens exhibit similar behavior.
This isn't the first time Stardew Valley's depth has surprised players. Recent discoveries include the ability to stack furniture (an accidental finding!) and the fact that trees outside the farm regenerate, providing a handy source of Wood. These hidden gems highlight the game's enduring appeal and the joy of uncovering its many secrets.