Pokémon GO's "Inbound from Ultra Space" event brings back Ultra Beasts! This five-day extravaganza, running July 8-13, 2024, features nine Ultra Beasts in five-star raids. However, geographical limitations apply – several Ultra Beasts are region-exclusive. Asia-Pacific players encounter Xurkitree; EMEA and India, Pheromosa; the Americas and Greenland, Buzzwole; Stakataka in the Eastern Hemisphere; and Blacephalon in the West. Celesteela appears in the Southern Hemisphere, with Kartana in the North.
Timed Research quests offer encounters with all featured Ultra Beasts, though only Stakataka and Blacephalon boast special Pokédex backgrounds. New backgrounds are also obtainable from raids and wild catches. This event mirrors the regional exclusivity of recent Ultra Beast additions.
Bonuses include an increased daily Remote Raid Pass limit (20, rising to unlimited July 12-14), and guaranteed Candy XL for trades (Trainers level 31+).
Event Details:
- Dates: Monday, July 8, 10:00 a.m. to Saturday, July 13, 10:00 a.m. local time.
- Raids: Five-star raids daily, featuring a Raid Hour (6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. local time). Specific Ultra Beasts vary by day and region (see below). Shiny encounters are possible.
- Timed Research: Rewards encounters with all event Ultra Beasts (Stakataka and Blacephalon include special backgrounds).
- Bonuses: Increased Remote Raid Pass limit, guaranteed Candy XL for trading.
Raid Schedule (Five-Star Raids):
- July 8: Guzzlord
- July 9: Nihilego
- July 10: Celesteela (Southern Hemisphere), Kartana (Northern Hemisphere)
- July 11: Stakataka (Eastern Hemisphere), Blacephalon (Western Hemisphere)
- July 12: Buzzwole (Americas & Greenland), Pheromosa (EMEA & India), Xurkitree (Asia-Pacific)
A paid "Inbound from Ultra Space" Timed Research ticket ($5 USD or equivalent) grants additional bonuses: extra XP from raids, increased Stardust from Ultra Beast raids, bonus Candy and Candy XL from five-star raids, and up to 2 free Raid Passes per day. It also includes substantial Candy XL for various Ultra Beasts and other rewards. This ticket is available July 8-14, 6:00 p.m. local time, and can be gifted to Great Friends or higher.
New Special Backgrounds are awarded for catching specific Pokémon from raids, resembling location backgrounds from in-person events.
A Global Challenge runs July 7-12, offering Beast Balls for Ultra Beast encounters during Pokémon GO Fest 2024 (if completed). Faster Party Power charging during Party Play is also rewarded until July 13, 10:00 a.m. local time.
The Pokémon GO Web Store offers special bundles: an Ultra Storage Box, an Ultra Raid Box, and an Ultra Hatch Box, with a 15% discount on first purchases over $9.99. Pokémon Trainer Club (PTC) account login is now supported.