Pokémon TCG Pocket offers a more casual take on the classic Trading Card Game, but a competitive meta is still emerging. Some cards undeniably outperform others, so we've compiled this tier list to guide you toward the best options.
Table of contents
Best Decks Tier List in Pokemon TCG Pocket
S-Tier Decks
A-Tier Decks
B-Tier Decks
Best Decks Tier List in Pokemon TCG Pocket
Knowing which cards are strong is just the first step; effective deck-building is crucial. Here are some top-performing decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket.
S-Tier Decks
Gyarados Ex/Greninja Combo
Froakie x2, Frogadier x2, Greninja x2, Druddigon x2, Magikarp x2, Gyarados Ex x2, Misty x2, Leaf x2, Professor’s Research x2, Poké Ball x2. This deck leverages Druddigon's high HP and chip damage to stall while building up Greninja for additional chip damage and potential main attacker role. Gyarados Ex then delivers the finishing blow after the opponent's health is weakened.
Pikachu Ex
Pikachu Ex x2, Zapdos Ex x2, Blitzle x2, Zebstrika x2, Poké Ball x2, Potion x2, X Speed x2, Professor’s Research x2, Sabrina x2, Giovanni x2. Currently the top deck, Pikachu Ex boasts incredibly efficient damage output (90 damage for two Energy). Adding Voltorb and Electrode provides further offensive options, with Electrode's free retreat being particularly valuable.
Raichu Surge
Pikachu Ex x2, Pikachu x2, Raichu x2, Zapdos Ex x2, Potion x2, X Speed x2, Poké Ball x2, Professor’s Research x2, Sabrina x2, Lt. Surge x2. While slightly less consistent than the pure Pikachu Ex deck, Raichu and Lt. Surge offer powerful burst damage potential. Zapdos Ex serves as a reliable secondary attacker, with X Speed providing escape options.
A-Tier Decks
Celebi Ex and Serperior Combo
Snivy x2, Servine x2, Serperior x2, Celebi Ex x2, Dhelmise x2, Erika x2, Professor’s Research x2, Poké Ball x2, X Speed x2, Potion x2, Sabrina x2. The Mythical Island expansion boosted Grass-type decks, with Celebi Ex and Serperior forming a powerful synergy. Serperior's ability doubles Grass Pokémon Energy, amplifying Celebi Ex's coin-flip damage potential. Dhelmise offers a secondary attacker.
Koga Poison
Venipede x2, Whirlipede x2, Scolipede x2, Koffing x2, Weezing x2, Tauros, Poké Ball x2, Koga x2, Sabrina, Leaf x2. This deck focuses on poisoning opponents and exploiting that weakness with Scolipede's high damage output. Weezing and Whirlipede spread poison, while Koga and Leaf facilitate efficient Pokémon placement. Tauros provides a powerful finisher against Ex decks.
Mewtwo Ex/Gardevoir Combo
Mewtwo Ex x2, Ralts x2, Kirlia x2, Gardevoir x2, Jynx x2, Potion x2, X Speed x2, Poké Ball x2, Professor’s Research x2, Sabrina x2, Giovanni x2. This deck uses Gardevoir to support Mewtwo Ex, maximizing its Psydrive attack. Jynx acts as a stall or early-game attacker.
B-Tier Decks
Charizard Ex
Charmander x2, Charmeleon x2, Charizard Ex x2, Moltres Ex x2, Potion x2, X Speed x2, Poké Ball x2, Professor’s Research x2, Sabrina x2, Giovanni x2. Charizard Ex delivers massive damage, but its reliance on specific draws can hinder consistency. Moltres Ex helps with early-game energy acceleration.
Colorless Pidgeot
Pidgey x2, Pidgeotto x2, Pidgeot, Poké Ball x2, Professor’s Research x2, Red Card, Sabrina, Potion x2, Rattata x2, Raticate x2, Kangaskhan, Farfetch’d x2. This surprisingly effective deck utilizes Rattata/Raticate for early-game pressure and Pidgeot's ability to force opponent switches.
This concludes our current Pokémon TCG Pocket tier list.
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