The Pokémon Company and Universal Studios Japan (USJ) have teamed up to deliver an unforgettable summer experience. This exciting event brings beloved Pokémon characters to life in a spectacular, water-themed parade. Discover how this immersive experience blends Pokémon with classic USJ characters.
Pokémon NO LIMIT! Summer Splash Parade: A Drenching Good Time at USJ
Get Ready to Get Soaked!
The NO LIMIT! Summer Splash Parade builds upon the success of the original NO LIMIT! Parade, adding a refreshing twist with a water-focused theme. This collaboration, launched in 2021, aims to create innovative interactive entertainment. The initial parade showcased iconic Pokémon, but this year's version is a fully immersive water spectacle.
The Pokémon Company prioritized realism in portraying the Pokémon characters, particularly Gyarados' impressive debut. Three performers work in perfect synchronization to bring Gyarados' powerful presence to life, creating a performance akin to a dynamic dragon dance.
The fun isn't limited to Pokémon; beloved characters from Super Mario, Despicable Me, Sesame Street, Peanuts, and Sing join the watery festivities, ensuring a truly memorable experience for all.
Guests aren't just passive onlookers; they're active participants! On particularly hot days, the "360° Soak Zone" offers a chance to engage in a friendly water fight with friends, family, and parade performers. While personal water guns are not allowed, each guest receives a complimentary Water Shooter upon entering this designated area.
Beyond the parade, USJ offers a range of exclusive Pokémon merchandise and themed food and beverages. A highlight is the "Gyarados Whirling Smoothie – Soda & Pineapple," served in a uniquely designed cup featuring a striking Gyarados illustration.
The park also offers a variety of summer-themed food and drink options.
The parade runs from July 3rd to September 1st, while the 360° Soak Zone is available until August 22nd. Whether it's your first visit or a return trip, The Pokémon Company promises an exciting and memorable experience.