Owlcat Games, renowned for its acclaimed cRPGs like Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, expands its industry footprint by venturing into game publishing. This strategic move, following the acquisition of META Publishing in 2021, aims to empower developers who prioritize compelling narratives.
Owlcat's publishing initiative focuses on supporting studios sharing its passion for rich storytelling. By providing resources and expertise, Owlcat seeks to help bring innovative narrative-driven games to market, fostering growth within the gaming community.
Owlcat's initial publishing lineup includes two promising titles:
Rue Valley (Emotion Spark Studio, Serbia): A narrative RPG where the protagonist is trapped in a time loop within a remote town, exploring themes of mental health and personal growth. Owlcat's support will enhance the game's narrative and player experience.
Shadow of the Road (Another Angle Games, Poland): An isometric RPG set in an alternate feudal Japan, blending samurai culture, honor, and tactical turn-based combat with steampunk elements and yokai. Owlcat's involvement will ensure the game's successful development and release.
Both Rue Valley and Shadow of the Road are in early development, with further details expected soon. Owlcat's expansion into publishing signifies a commitment to diverse storytelling and the advancement of the narrative-driven gaming landscape. This initiative not only champions emerging talent but also enriches the gaming experience for players globally.