Numito, the newest tile-sliding, equation-solving puzzle game, challenges you to manipulate tiles vertically to create correct equations and reach target numbers. Daily challenges and varied objectives keep the number-crunching fresh and engaging.
Numito stands out among the recent wave of quirky puzzle games. Our YouTube expert, Scott, has already showcased its unique gameplay on the official PocketGamer channel! In essence, Numito presents a deceptively simple premise: solve equations to hit target numbers. However, as many a math-challenged individual can attest, simplicity can be deceiving.
Numito caters to both casual and hardcore players. Whether you’re a math whiz or find numbers intimidating, its blend of fast-paced and analytical gameplay will likely appeal. Plus, you'll even learn some interesting math facts along the way!
As Scott's video demonstrates, Numito boasts a surprising array of features. Like other popular puzzle games such as Worldle, it offers daily challenges, leaderboards to compare scores with friends, and diverse game modes. You'll not only need to reach specific numbers but also solve equations under various constraints.
Your enjoyment of Numito will depend on your mathematical aptitude and preference for this type of puzzle. Nevertheless, it's worth a try! Watch Scott's gameplay above, then download Numito on the iOS App Store or Google Play.
If even engaging gameplay doesn't quite cure your math-related anxieties, don't despair! Explore our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) for alternative entertainment. Alternatively, check out our list of the most anticipated mobile games of the year to see what exciting titles are on the horizon!