A talented Pokémon fan has created a charming crocheted Eternatus. The Pokémon community is brimming with creative individuals who showcase their skills through various crafts, including plushies, crochet, paintings, and fan art. This Eternatus creation is particularly noteworthy for its exceptional quality.
Eternatus, a legendary Poison/Dragon-type Pokémon from Generation VIII, is a fan favorite in Pokémon Sword and Shield due to its unique design. Its rare dual typing is only shared by Dragalge and Naganadel. While Eternatus doesn't evolve, it has a powerful, unobtainable Eternamax form encountered in the games' final battle.
Pokémon enthusiast pokemoncrochet recently shared their adorable Eternatus crochet on r/pokemon, captivating fellow fans. A 32-second video showcases the finished product, a Poison/Dragon-type crochet doll seemingly floating on a thread. The impressive likeness to the original Pokémon, combined with its undeniable cuteness, makes it a truly exceptional piece. However, the artist indicated in the comments that they'll likely focus on new Pokémon rather than creating the Eternamax form.
The Alluring Appeal of Crocheted Pokémon
pokemoncrochet also revealed their ambitious goal: crocheting every single Pokémon. While this is a monumental undertaking, it's not unprecedented. Several years ago, another fan embarked on a similar project, sharing their delightful creations online, including Togepi, Gengar, Squirtle, Mew, Torchic, and Staryu, among others.
Many stand-out crocheted Pokémon creations exist within the community. Recently, a fan crocheted the Johto starters (Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile) with remarkable detail and vibrant colors. Another impressive example is a crocheted Starmie that accurately captures the Pokémon's flexible appearance.
The popularity of fan-made Pokémon crochet dolls continues to grow. The upcoming release of Pokémon Legends: Z-A in 2025 will undoubtedly inspire even more crocheted creations, potentially including legendary Pokémon like the formidable Eternatus.