Hideki Kamiya, after a 20-year tenure at PlatinumGames, embarks on a new chapter, launching his own studio, Clovers Inc., and spearheading the development of an Okami sequel. This article delves into the upcoming title, his new studio, and his departure from PlatinumGames.
A Long-Awaited Sequel
Renowned game director Hideki Kamiya, formerly of Capcom, has announced his return to game development with a highly anticipated Okami sequel, published by Capcom and developed by his newly established studio, Clovers Inc. In a VGC interview, Kamiya discussed his reasons for leaving PlatinumGames, the genesis of Clovers Inc., and the revival of the beloved Okami franchise after 18 years. He's famously expressed his desire to complete the narratives of Okami and Viewtiful Joe, feeling a responsibility to resolve unfinished storylines.
His long-held ambition for an Okami sequel is finally realized through this new venture.
Clovers Inc.: A New Studio, A Shared Vision
Image from Clovers Inc. official website
Clovers Inc., a name echoing both Clover Studio (the developer of the original Okami and Viewtiful Joe) and Kamiya's early Capcom teams behind Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry, represents a significant step in his career. The studio is a joint venture between Kamiya and Kento Koyama, a former PlatinumGames colleague. Koyama serves as president, managing the business aspects, while Kamiya focuses on game development. The studio currently employs 25 people across Tokyo and Osaka, with plans for gradual expansion. Kamiya emphasizes a shared creative vision over sheer size, prioritizing passionate individuals dedicated to crafting exceptional games. Many team members are former PlatinumGames employees who previously collaborated with Kamiya or Koyama.
Image from Clovers Inc. official website
Departure from PlatinumGames
Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames, a company he co-founded and led creatively for two decades, surprised many. He attributes his decision to internal changes that conflicted with his game development philosophy. While he doesn't elaborate on specifics, he highlights a fundamental difference in vision as the driving force behind his departure. Despite this, he expresses immense enthusiasm for the Okami sequel, emphasizing the excitement of building Clovers Inc. from the ground up.
A Softer Side Emerges
Kamiya's known for his sometimes blunt online interactions with fans. However, following the Okami sequel announcement, he publicly apologized to a fan he previously insulted, showcasing a more empathetic side. He's also been seen unblocking fans and engaging more positively with their reactions and fan creations. While his characteristic directness remains, a shift towards greater online sensitivity is apparent.