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WaterMinder - 水追踪和饮水提醒应用程序

WaterMinder - 水追踪和饮水提醒应用程序 评分 : 4.4


Stay on top of your hydration with WaterTracker: WaterMinder, the award-winning app that makes staying hydrated effortless. This intuitive app revolutionizes hydration tracking, letting you monitor your water intake, set personalized goals, earn rewards, and ensure you meet your daily hydration needs.

Features include a clear visual representation of your hydration levels, customizable cup sizes and types, a water intake calculator, customizable reminders, and achievement tracking to keep you motivated. Don't let dehydration impact your health, mood, or focus. Download WaterMinder today and make hydration a breeze! Remember, water is essential for life.

WaterTracker: WaterMinder App Features:

  • Visual Hydration Level: A clean, easy-to-read display shows your current hydration level and water intake. Logging your water intake is simple with a single tap, allowing effortless monitoring throughout the day.
  • Customizable Drink Tracking: Pre-set cup sizes are available for quick tracking, but you can also customize cup sizes, colors, and icons, and even track other beverage types to perfectly suit your needs.
  • Personalized Hydration Goals: WaterMinder calculates your recommended daily water intake based on your weight and provides insightful daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly hydration graphs to track your progress. This personalized approach simplifies staying on track.

Tips for Using WaterTracker: WaterMinder:

  • Custom Reminders: Adjust the default reminders to fit your schedule. Set reminders for morning, afternoon, or evening to maintain consistent hydration.
  • Track & Unlock Achievements: Make tracking fun by logging your favorite drinks and unlocking achievements as you reach your hydration goals. This gamified approach encourages consistent water consumption.
  • Create Custom Drink Cups: Personalize your tracking experience by creating custom drink cups that reflect your preferences, whether you prefer ounces or milliliters.


Maintaining optimal hydration can be challenging in today's busy world. WaterTracker: WaterMinder simplifies monitoring hydration levels, setting personalized goals, and receiving timely reminders. Its intuitive features, customizable options, and data tracking help prioritize your health, improve focus and energy, and ensure you meet your daily hydration needs. Download WaterTracker: WaterMinder now to start your journey towards better hydration and overall well-being. Stay healthy, stay hydrated, and live your best life!

WaterMinder - 水追踪和饮水提醒应用程序应用截图第0张
WaterMinder - 水追踪和饮水提醒应用程序应用截图第1张
WaterMinder - 水追踪和饮水提醒应用程序应用截图第2张
WaterMinder - 水追踪和饮水提醒应用程序应用截图第3张
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