Marvel Snap的Deadpool的Diner活动又回来了!享受这个限时活动,直到12月3日。
这种有趣的休闲模式会挑战玩家的难度不断增加,每张桌子上都有下注的泡泡。赢得并进步到更高的桌子上,获得更大的回报!征服顶级层,以解锁艾特里国王和安德里亚·瓜诺(Andrea Guardino)的独家简·福斯特(Jane Foster)。 It's a perfect opportunity to experiment with different deck strategies without the pressure of ranked play.
The recent update also introduced a fiery new addition: Surtur, the fire giant of Ragnarok! His powerful ability grants him +3 Power whenever you play a card with 10 or more Power. Prepare for explosive gameplay!
Surtur并不孤单;他伴随着许多新系列牌:Frigga,Malekith,Fenris Wolf和God the Bud Butcher。 Eitri国王于12月加入阵容。查看我们的Marvel快照层列表,以了解这些新卡是如何堆叠的!
免费下载Marvel Snap,并立即跳入Deadpool的Diner!有关更多详细信息,请咨询官方补丁说明。