Conflict of Nations: World War 3 Season 15, titled "Humanity's Resurgence," has arrived, marking Dorado Games' 10th anniversary. This new season introduces a thrilling zombie-infested Z: Resurgence mode, demanding strategic alliances and careful diplomacy.
New Challenges and Features:
The zombie threat necessitates clever resource management. New structures, Vaults and Havens, are crucial for deploying immune soldiers, as standard units are vulnerable to infection. The undead pose a relentless enemy, and fallen soldiers could rise as adversaries.
Season 15 also introduces the Drone Operator unit, a versatile support asset deploying various drones. Explosive Drones bypass enemy defenses, Sabotage Drones damage structures remotely, and reconnaissance capabilities enhance strategic awareness. The combination of zombies and advanced drone technology promises intense gameplay.
About Conflict of Nations:
Conflict of Nations is a real-time strategy game (released in 2016) where players command over 100 nations in a global struggle for dominance. Players manage land, sea, and air forces, while diligently monitoring resources and technological advancements.
Download Conflict of Nations from the Google Play Store and experience the thrill of Season 15! Stay tuned for our upcoming article on Rubik's Match 3!