Monolith Soft, the creative force behind the acclaimed Xenoblade Chronicles series, recently unveiled a staggering visual on social media: a mountain of scripts showcasing the sheer scale of the game's development. The image reveals just how much effort goes into crafting these expansive JRPG experiences.
A Testament to Xenoblade Chronicles' Epic Scope
The post on X (formerly Twitter) featured towering stacks of script books—and that's just for the main storyline! Separate scripts exist for the extensive side quests, further emphasizing the monumental undertaking.
The Xenoblade Chronicles series is renowned for its immense size, encompassing a vast world, intricate plot, countless dialogue lines, and substantial gameplay. Completing a single title often demands 70+ hours, a figure that easily balloons to 150+ hours for completionists tackling every side quest and optional content.
Fans reacted with awe and humor to the image, expressing astonishment at the sheer volume of scripts and playfully inquiring about the possibility of purchasing them.
While Monolith Soft remains tight-lipped about the next installment in the series, exciting news awaits fans. Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition launches March 20th, 2025, on Nintendo Switch. Pre-orders are open now on the Nintendo eShop, both digitally and physically, for $59.99 USD.
For a deeper dive into Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, be sure to check out the related article!