The Steely Resolve event in Pokémon GO, running from January 21st to 26th, marks the highly anticipated debut of the Corviknight evolutionary line: Rookidee, Corvisquire, and Corviknight. This follows the earlier tease in the Dual Destiny Season loading screen.
This event isn't just about the new additions. Players can participate in a Dual Destiny Special Research, tackle various Field Research tasks, and encounter shiny Pokémon. Bonuses include Magnetic Lure Modules attracting Pokémon like Onix and Beldum, and the ability to use Charged TMs to remove Frustration from Shadow Pokémon. Increased spawns of ten Pokémon, including Clefairy, Paldean Wooper, and Carbink, will also be featured.
Corviknight Evolutionary Line Debut Details:
- Dates: January 21st, 10 AM – January 26th, 8 PM (local time)
- New Pokémon: Rookidee, Corvisquire, Corviknight
Event Highlights:
- Special Research: A Dual Destiny Special Research with new rewards.
- Field Research Tasks: Various tasks offering rewards.
- Paid Timed Research: A $5 option for additional challenges and rewards.
- Bonuses: Charged TMs to remove Frustration, Magnetic Lure Module enhancements.
- Increased Spawns: Clefairy, Machop, Totodile, Marill, Hoppip, Paldean Wooper, Shieldon, Bunnelby, Carbink, and Mareanie (some shiny-capable).
- Raids: One-star, five-star (Deoxys forms, then Dialga), and Mega Raids (Mega Gallade, then Mega Medicham).
- 2km Eggs: Shieldon, Carbink, Mareanie, and Rookidee (some shiny-capable).
- Featured Attacks: Evolving specific Pokémon during the event grants them unique attacks (Machamp, Feraligatr, Quagsire, Lickilicky, Corviknight, and Clodsire).
GO Battle Week: Dual Destiny (January 21st – 26th):
- Bonuses: 4x Stardust from win rewards (excluding end-of-set rewards), increased daily battle sets (20 instead of 5), free battle-themed Timed Research (Grimsley-inspired avatar shoes), and varied IVs for Pokémon encountered in GO Battle League rewards.
- Leagues: Master League, Color Cup (Great League), Great League, Ultra League, and Master League across different date ranges. All leagues with 4x Stardust bonus on win rewards (excluding end-of-set rewards).
The Steely Resolve event offers a packed schedule of activities, including raids, egg hatches, and special research, alongside the exciting arrival of the Corviknight line. GO Battle Week adds further competitive opportunities with significant Stardust rewards. This event builds on the momentum of recent Pokémon GO updates, including Shadow Raids and Dynamax Raids.