
후즈팬 レート : 4.2


Introducing Whosfan, the ultimate app for K-pop fans! Dive into the world of your favorite artists and connect with a global community of fellow fans. With Whosfan, you can access exclusive services like HanteoChart to stay up-to-date on music charts and sales, authenticate your K-pop albums to support your favorite artists, vote in various global fan voting events, participate in exciting fan events, read the latest K-pop news, chat with fans worldwide through WhooK, and explore Star Channels dedicated to your bias. Download Whosfan now and unleash your inner fan!

Features of this App:

  • HanteoChart: Check real-time sales amounts and graphs for K-pop albums, as well as various music charts.
  • Album Authentication: Authenticate your K-pop albums with HATScards and protect your favorite artist's copyright.
  • Vote: Participate in various voting events, including fan voting, music show voting, and official artist voting.
  • Events: Take part in idol fansign events and official artist events.
  • HanteoNews: Stay updated with the latest K-pop idol chart news.
  • WhooK Global Fan Chat: Chat with fans worldwide and share information about K-pop.


Whosfan is an essential app for K-pop fans around the world. It offers a variety of features that allow fans to engage with their favorite artists and stay updated on the latest news and charts. From checking album sales to participating in voting events, Whosfan provides a comprehensive platform for K-pop fandom. With its user-friendly interface and attractive features, Whosfan is a must-have app for any K-pop enthusiast. Click here to download the app and join the global K-pop fandom community.

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