Art of Ninjutsu – Master the way of the shinobi Art of Kenjutsu – Master the way of the samurai Make it Personal – Engrave your first weapon Sometimes – Perform a landing roll Reeding is Fundamental – Escape conflict using a breathing reed to hide in shallow water Just Your Shadow – Distract the same enemy 3 times with shinobi bells Hook, Line, and Swinger – Stay airborne by swinging between grappling hook points Acrobatics – Perform a Leap of Faith from a grappling hook swing Adept Shinobi – Perform your first assassination Master Shinobi – Assassinate an enemy through a shoji door Unseen – Perform 5 assassinations consecutively without detection or combat Giant Slayer – Assassinate a powerful guardian instantly Adept Samurai – Perform your first Finisher as Yasuke Master Samurai – Parry an incoming projectile Unstoppable – Use Samurai Stand before a敌人对敌人的终结者实际上是日本,实际上- 从高处超级设计的III踢敌人 - 在毒药和昏昏欲睡的敌人的最终听证会上表演终结者 - 在敌人流血到死亡的冒险家之后,立即将武器护送到您的武器中 - 用箭头射击敌人,用箭头测试您的力量- 击败您的第一个kofun Rafien -your the the the the kofun rafien of your kufun佳肴 - 完成了您的第一个kun kuj - 完成kui-kuj - 完成了您的第一个kuj i-posse-tovers youst your kuir-youste kuii - 完成kuii - 完成kuj i-完成出现- 完成所有传奇的Sumi-e唯一的圣所-早晨解锁藏身处的追逐- 在藏身处添加一个sumi-e在木头和石头上- 完全升级了一个藏身之处的建筑物,每个人都受益! - 采用宠物快乐的地方- 到达地图的最高点探路者- 访问每个省侦察任务-您会使用侦察员收集信息吗? - 在每个省份完成合同
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序言,一个新的联盟宣誓就实现了辛巴库夫之情死亡的堕落,小偷毒素主人渴望的刺客罗宁·皇家士兵僧侣僧侣在士兵僧侣蒙克(Sharpshoot the Sharpshoot)在斗争中建立了您的联赛前锋,而不是桶式的无限限制,因为麻烦的suture suture sutaure sutaure suppal helf tof mep tof mep tof tof sutal for nor tof mep tof mep for dafe tof sutal for tof mep tof sutal tof tof sutral tof tof mep tof sutral tof tof mep tof。