首頁 新聞 如何在《王國出現骰子》中演奏骰子2:所有徽章和得分組合


作者 : Jack Feb 26,2025


掌握 王國的骰子藝術來:拯救2 ,然後迅速積聚了groschen!本指南詳細介紹了如何玩,得分,利用徽章,甚至欺騙自己的勝利方式。


  • 在哪裏玩骰子
  • 得分組合
  • 徽章
  • 用骰子作弊






1, 2, 3, 4, 5500
2, 3, 4, 5, 6750
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 61,500
Three 1s1,000
Three 2s200
Three 3s300
Three 4s400
Three 5s500
Three 6s600




Tin Doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles points from your last throw (once per game).
Tin Badge of HeadstartSmall point bonus at game start.
Tin Badge of DefenceNegates opponent's Tin badges.
Tin Badge of FortuneRe-roll one die (once per game).
Tin Badge of MightAdd one extra die (once per game).
Tin Badge of TransmutationChange one die to a 3 (once per game).
Carpenter’s Badge of Advantage3+5 becomes "Cut" (repeatable).
Tin Warlord’s Badge25% more points this turn (once per game).
Tin Badge of ResurrectionRe-roll after an unlucky throw (once per game).
Silver Doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles points from last throw (twice per game).
Silver Badge of HeadstartModerate point bonus at game start.
Silver Badge of DefenceNegates opponent's Silver badges.
Silver Swap-Out BadgeRe-roll one die (once per game).
Silver Badge of FortuneRe-roll up to two dice (once per game).
Silver Badge of MightAdd one extra die (twice per game).
Silver Badge of TransmutationChange one die to a 5 (once per game).
Executioner’s Badge of Advantage4+5+6 becomes "Gallows" (repeatable).
Silver Warlord’s Badge50% more points this turn (once per game).
Silver Badge of ResurrectionRe-roll after an unlucky throw (twice per game).
Silver King’s BadgeAdd one extra die (twice per game).
Gold Doppelganger BadgeDoubles points from last throw (thrice per game).
Gold Badge of HeadstartLarge point bonus at game start.
Gold Badge of DefenceNegates opponent's Gold badges.
Gold Swap-Out BadgeRe-roll two dice of same value (once per game).
Gold Badge of FortuneRe-roll up to three dice (once per game).
Gold Badge of MightAdd one extra die (thrice per game).
Gold Badge of TransmutationChange one die to a 1 (once per game).
Priest’s Badge of Advantage1+3+5 becomes "Eye" (repeatable).
Gold Warlord’s BadgeDouble points this turn (once per game).
Gold Badge of ResurrectionRe-roll after an unlucky throw (thrice per game).
Gold Emperor’s BadgeTriples points for three 1s (repeatable).
Gold Wedding BadgeRe-roll up to three dice (once per game).



該綜合指南使您在 王國來的骰子表中占主導地位:Deliverance 2 。祝你好運和快樂的賭博!

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