NU: Carnival - Bliss is a captivating animated BL game featuring renowned Japanese voice actors and stunning visuals. The story unfolds on the Klein Continent, where elemental gemstones, once protected by the vanished Grand Sorcerer Huey, are losing their power, causing widespread chaos. Summoned from another world, you, as Eiden, inherit Huey's mantle and embark on a journey to restore balance.
To achieve this, Eiden must regulate his essence and engage in intimate interactions with the clan members—a process key to unsealing the gemstones.
[Develop close bonds with captivating characters]
Customize your home screen with your favorite character from a diverse cast: a noble knight, a compassionate priest, a powerful lord, and a mysterious fox yokai, each with unique storylines and side quests. Special events unlock exclusive outfits and exciting narratives. Journey across the Klein Continent with your newfound companions!
[Immersive audio experience with renowned Japanese voice actors]
Experience a dramatic audio journey with top-tier Japanese voice acting, beautifully composed music, and emotionally resonant scenes. These elements combine to create an unforgettable immersive experience during intimate interactions.
[Animated characters with interactive elements]
Interact with fully animated characters. Touch them in different areas to trigger unique reactions and even adjust their clothing reveal for a truly interactive experience that engages sight, sound, and touch. Character outfits and dialogues evolve based on rarity, birthdays, events, and intimacy, fostering a deep sense of connection.
[Intense and intimate interactive scenes]
The Temptation system allows you to strengthen bonds with characters by giving gifts. Unlock exclusive storylines and intimate scenes as your relationships deepen, with SSR characters offering even more revealing interactions. Eiden's versatile personality allows for the development of diverse emotional connections. Fulfill your fantasies and experience heart-stopping moments with the clan members.
[Engaging turn-based combat with dynamic visuals]
NU: Carnival - Bliss features a strategic turn-based RPG combat system. Create teams of up to five characters, leveraging type matchups and skills to win battles. Witness the dynamic evolution of your allies’ outfits and expressions as they take damage, adding another layer to the combat experience. Conquer high-difficulty stages and limited-time game modes for added challenge!
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What's New in Version 3.4.1
Last updated on Oct 31, 2024
This update includes minor bug fixes and improvements. Download the latest version to enjoy a smoother gaming experience!