A unique Street Fighter 6 tournament, the "Sleep Fighter," is making waves in Japan. This Capcom-endorsed event, sponsored by SS Pharmaceuticals to promote their sleep aid Drewell, introduces a novel twist: sleep is a key component of competition.
Sleep Points: A New Metric in Esports
The Sleep Fighter tournament is a team-based competition. Three-person teams battle in best-of-three matches, accumulating points for wins. However, a crucial element is "Sleep Points," earned based on each player's sleep hours.
In the week preceding the tournament, each team member must log at least six hours of sleep nightly. Teams failing to reach a collective 126 hours will face a five-point penalty for every hour short. The team with the highest total sleep time gains a significant advantage: they get to choose the tournament's match conditions.
This initiative, under the banner "Let's Do the Challenge, Let's Sleep First," highlights the importance of sleep for peak performance. According to the official website, this is the first esports tournament to penalize insufficient sleep.
Tournament Details and Participants
The Sleep Fighter tournament takes place on August 31st at the Ryogoku KFC Hall in Tokyo. Attendance is capped at 100, selected via lottery. For global viewers, a live stream will be available on YouTube and Twitch, with broadcast details announced on the official website and Twitter (X) account.
The event boasts a roster of prominent players and streamers, including two-time EVO champion Itazan and top SF player Dogura, promising a thrilling blend of competitive gaming and sleep wellness advocacy.