アプリ ビジネスオフィス GPS Speedometer OBD2 Dashboard
GPS Speedometer OBD2 Dashboard

GPS Speedometer OBD2 Dashboard レート : 4.3

Experience the ultimate driving companion with the GPS Speedometer OBD2 Dashboard app! This app provides real-time vehicle data, transforming your drives into a luxurious experience with its diverse speedometer options. Leveraging the power of an OBDII Wi-Fi or Bluetooth adapter, it functions as a top-tier car diagnostics tool and scanner, directly connecting to your car's engine management system. Become your own OBD2 Car Doctor, effortlessly identifying potential issues. The app boasts an intuitive interface and unique features, including helpful speed limit alerts. Download the GPS Speedometer OBD2 Dashboard app today and elevate your driving experience!

Key Features of the GPS Speedometer OBD2 Dashboard App:

  • Speed Monitoring & Limit Alerts: Enjoy a luxurious driving experience with a wide selection of customizable speedometers and real-time speed limit information.

  • Comprehensive Car Diagnostics: Utilize the integrated car diagnostics tool and scanner, connecting via an OBDII Wi-Fi or Bluetooth adapter, to access your vehicle's engine management system (ECU).

  • Precise GPS Speedometer: Track your speed accurately with the built-in GPS speedometer and its unique speed-related features.

  • Heads-Up Display (HUD): Enhance your digital speedometer's functionality with the advanced HUD feature, enabling speed measurement of moving objects.

  • Intuitive and Customizable Interface: Enjoy a user-friendly and visually appealing interface with a digital speedometer and customizable color schemes.

  • Advanced Car Scanner: Access vital vehicle information, including odometer readings, emissions tests, sensor checks, fault code display/reset, and a comprehensive DTC code database.

In Conclusion: The GPS Speedometer OBD2 Dashboard App is a must-have for any car owner. Its combination of speed tracking, advanced diagnostics, and user-friendly design provides a luxurious and informative driving experience. Monitor your vehicle's performance, retrieve OBD data, and perform various checks with ease. The app's customizable dashboards and additional data fields further enhance its versatility. Download the GPS Speedometer OBD2 Dashboard App: Speedlimit now and experience the difference!

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GPS Speedometer OBD2 Dashboard スクリーンショット 3
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