Dive into the delightful physics-based adventure, I Am Fish! This charming game follows four courageous fish friends – a goldfish, pufferfish, piranha, and flying fish – escaping their pet shop tank and embarking on an epic journey across Barnardshire, England.
Swim, fly, roll, and chomp your way to the open ocean as you guide each unique fish with their own special abilities. The goldfish is a natural swimmer, the pufferfish rolls across land, the piranha…well, it bites, and the flying fish glides through the air! Their shared goal? Freedom and reunion!
Meet the Fin-tastic Friends:
- Goldfish: Cheerful, brave, and adventurous.
- Pufferfish: Slow but kind, able to puff up and roll.
- Piranha: Wild, chaotic, and loves to bite.
- Flying Fish: Aloof but softhearted, capable of gliding flight.
This intrepid quartet will stop at nothing to reach their shared goal.
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What's New in Version 8.1 (Updated Nov 16, 2023)
This update includes minor bug fixes and improvements. Download or update to the latest version to experience these enhancements!