Instantly book beauty, hair, and wellness appointments!
With over 700 million appointments booked, 100,000 businesses registered, and 450,000+ stylists and professionals available, Fresha offers the easiest and most reliable way to schedule salon, beauty, hair, and wellness services near you.
Whether you need a haircut, massage, wax, beauty treatment, or even a tattoo, Fresha has you covered.
- Discover top-rated hairdressers, salons, and spas in your area.
- See real-time appointment availability.
- Book and receive instant confirmation.
- Schedule appointments directly through the app's live venue calendar.
- Pay conveniently after your appointment via the app.
- Easily cancel, reschedule, and rebook appointments.
- Find the best deals with exclusive online discounts for off-peak or last-minute bookings.
- Get directions to your appointments using the built-in map.
Find the perfect appointment, anytime, anywhere—from a stylish haircut to a relaxing massage or last-minute mani-pedi.
Available across the USA (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Houston, Miami, Jacksonville, San Antonio, Dallas, Denver, and more), Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
What's New in Version 3.9.1 (Updated October 24, 2024)
Performance enhancements and refined features for a seamless booking experience.