"Magic Puzzles: A Witch's Journey" is a charming, relaxing lo-fi picross game following Cassia, a young witch struggling in charms class. Her less-than-pleasant tutor, Senna, unexpectedly offers help. Can these two witches learn from each other through solving puzzles? Whether you're a picross novice or expert, a short tutorial ensures enjoyment regardless of skill level. Immerse yourself in captivating storytelling, beautiful art, and enchanting music. Download "Magic Puzzles" now and begin your magical adventure!
App Features:
- Lo-fi Picross Gameplay: Experience a unique and engaging lo-fi picross game. Solve puzzles to unravel the young witches' story.
- Play as Cassia: Become Cassia, a charmingly clumsy witch struggling in charms. Help her improve with Senna's guidance.
- Engaging Storyline: Follow Cassia and Senna's captivating journey as they learn from each other through puzzle-solving.
- Beginner-Friendly Tutorial: A short tutorial eases new players into picross mechanics. Learn at your own pace without pressure.
- All Skill Levels Welcome: Enjoyable for both picross pros and beginners. Mistakes won't hinder story progression.
- Pleasant Vibes: Relax in a world of beautiful art, soothing music, and a calming atmosphere.
Experience the enchanting world of young witches and magic in this lo-fi picross game. Help Cassia improve her skills with the assistance of her tutor, Senna. A beginner-friendly tutorial and captivating storyline make this game perfect for everyone. Relax and enjoy the beautiful art and soothing music. Download now for a delightful experience!