首頁 新聞 口袋妖怪冠軍發布日期猜測,預告片,遊戲玩法和更多


作者 : Leo Mar 17,2025

為全新的神奇寶貝戰鬥體驗做好準備! PokémonChampions是一款競爭性的PVP遊戲,在2025年2月的PokémonPresents期間宣布,正在為Nintendo Switch和移動設備帶來激動人心的戰鬥。這個跨平台標題由Pokémon與Game Freak的支持一起開發,有望擴大前所未有的Pokémon戰斗場景。

This article covers everything we know so far, including potential release dates, trailer breakdowns, and gameplay details.


雖然正式發布日期仍然難以捉摸,但我們預計神奇寶貝冠軍將於2026年某個時候推出。預告片僅提及遊戲是“現在正在開發的”,以及PokémonLegends ZA (也顯示在演講中,定於2025年底)。 We believe The Pokémon Company will strategically space these releases to maximize attention, avoiding a clash with another major title. This suggests a later 2026 release for Pokémon Champions .


The reveal trailer, while short on gameplay, showcases the game's stunning visuals and high-energy atmosphere.首先是穿越神奇寶貝在任天堂遊戲機上的歷史上的懷舊之旅,然後過渡到Switch和Mobile上的球員之間的實時戰鬥。 The setting is a spectacular, futuristic arena, complete with cheering crowds and vibrant spotlights, creating an electrifying esports feel. A highlight is the intense showdown between Charizard and Samurott versus Dondozo and Aegislash, hinting at 1v1 or 2v2 battle formats. The graphics are significantly more polished than Scarlet & Violet , promising a visually impressive experience.



Image Source: The Pokemon Works

Pokémon Champions focuses exclusively on battles, foregoing traditional exploration and catching. Integration with Pokémon Home allows players to bring their favorite Pokémon from previous games into the competitive arena. Cross-platform play between Switch and mobile devices promises a more accessible yet deeply competitive online experience. With Game Freak's involvement, Pokémon Champions has the potential to become a dedicated Pokémon esports title.無論是迎合休閒球員還是頑固的戰鬥,還有待觀察,但是對於下一個預告片和正式發行日期來說,期望很高。

For more Pokémon news, check out the confirmed Pokémon in Legends: ZA and uncover the meaning of the "A" in the title's name.

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