Home News Uncover Hidden Palette Locations and Conquer Wuthering Waves' Whisperwind Haven

Uncover Hidden Palette Locations and Conquer Wuthering Waves' Whisperwind Haven

Author : Max Jan 16,2025

Wuthering Waves: Solving the Overflowing Palette Puzzles in Whisperwind Haven

In Whisperwind Haven, players of Wuthering Waves will encounter several "Overflowing Palette" puzzles. These puzzles require players to change the colors of blocks within a set number of steps, as indicated in the bottom-left corner of the puzzle. The goal is to make all blocks the same color using the available dyes.

Whisperwind Haven Overflowing Palette Locations and Solutions

Here's a guide to finding and solving each Overflowing Palette puzzle:

Overflowing Palette #1

This puzzle is located inside the Egla Town cave. Access the cave via its secret entrance southeast of the Rinascita-Whisperwind Haven-Egla Town Resonance Beacon. Descend the stairs to the foggy stream and locate the artwork. To solve the puzzle and turn all blocks green:

  1. Select yellow dye and paint the red blocks.
  2. Select blue dye and paint the yellow blocks.
  3. Select green dye and paint the blue blocks.

Solving this puzzle triggers a call from an unknown number and initiates the "When Colors Fade" quest.

Overflowing Palette #2

Located northwest of Egla Town, near the large lake. The objective is to turn all blocks red. Follow these steps:

  1. Select blue dye and paint the top yellow blocks.
  2. Select green dye and paint the blue blocks and the lower yellow blocks.
  3. Select red dye and paint all the green blocks.

Overflowing Palette #3

Find this puzzle northwest of the Rinascita-Ragunna-Whisperwind Haven northern Resonance Beacon, by a lake. The solution involves turning all blocks blue:

  1. Select red dye and paint the green blocks.
  2. Select yellow dye and paint the red blocks.
  3. Select blue dye and paint all the yellow blocks.

Overflowing Palette #4

This final puzzle is located northeast of the Polyphemos Windmills. Teleport to the city's Resonance Beacon and jump from the northeastern edge to reach it. The solution is to make all blocks yellow:

  1. Select blue dye and paint the green blocks.
  2. Select red dye and paint the blue blocks.
  3. Select yellow dye and paint all the red blocks.

Using Resonate Calcite

Resonate Calcite, a crafting material, is obtained as a reward for completing these puzzles. To use it, visit Vida in Egla Town. She will trade the Resonate Calcite for valuable items such as Poetry and Paean Weapon chests, and upgrade materials.

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