ニュース Discover the Hidden Eggs in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's Luma Island

Discover the Hidden Eggs in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's Luma Island

著者 : Logan Jan 23,2025

Uncover the Secrets of Luma Island: Finding and Hatching Mysterious Eggs

Embark on an exciting adventure in Luma Island and discover the ancient secrets left behind by its former inhabitants. Among these secrets are the enigmatic Luma Eggs, also known as Mysterious Eggs. This guide will help you locate and hatch every Luma Egg on the island.

What are Luma Eggs?

Luma Eggs, initially appearing as Mysterious Eggs, are collectible items scattered throughout Luma Island. Incubating these eggs reveals adorable Luma creatures, valuable helpers on your farm and throughout your adventures. Each egg holds a surprise—the type of Luma hatched is random, adding an element of excitement to the discovery.

Locating Luma Eggs

You'll find Luma Eggs in two primary locations: the mysterious Ruins and behind Shrine offering doors. Each Ruin and Shrine within an area contains a single Luma Egg.

Here's the distribution of Luma Eggs across the different areas of Luma Island:

Luma Island BiomeRuins with Luma EggsShrines with Luma Eggs
Your Farm11
Forest Area31
Jungle Area31
Mountain Area31

Luma Island Mysterious Egg

Screenshot by The Escapist

Ruin eggs are typically found deep within the structures, often in the final chambers. Shrine doors, however, require Tepid Offering Crystals to unlock, which are hidden in challenging-to-reach spots within each area. The Luma Egg is usually within the reward chests after unlocking the Shrine door.

Hatching Your Luma Eggs

Waiting for Luma Egg to Hatch Luma Island

Screenshot by The Escapist

Once you've collected your Mysterious Eggs, you'll need to hatch them. This usually triggers a quest, but the timing varies depending on your profession. To hatch the eggs, you must build a Luma Incubator. The blueprint is available at Balthazar’s shop for 500 coins. The crafting ingredients are:

5 Farm LeatherCraft from Farm Mushrooms at Simple Workbench
3 Copper BarCraft using Copper Ore and Charcoal at the Ore Smelter
5 FabricCraft using Cotton at Simple Workbench
5 GlassCraft using Sand at Kiln

The Luma Incubator is then used to create Luma Life, which combines with a Mysterious Egg to hatch a Luma. Unhatched Lumans appear as “Mysterious Creature,” revealing their silhouette. After a short wait, your new friend will emerge. Remember to pet your Luma to strengthen your bond before they can assist you on the farm.

Luma Incubator to Hatch Luma Eggs

Screenshot by The Escapist

This concludes your guide to finding and hatching Luma Eggs in Luma Island, available now on PC.

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