ニュース Chile President Honors Pokémon World Champ

Chile President Honors Pokémon World Champ

著者 : Benjamin Jan 22,2025

Pokémon TCG World Champion Honored by the President of Chile

Chilean Pokémon TCG World Champion Meets President Boric: A Triumphant Celebration

Fernando Cifuentes, the 18-year-old Pokémon TCG World Champion, received an extraordinary honor: a meeting with the President of Chile at Palacio de La Moneda. This momentous occasion saw Cifuentes and nine fellow Chilean competitors welcomed to the presidential palace for a celebratory meal and photograph session. The Chilean government expressed immense pride in their accomplishments, with high-ranking officials joining President Boric in congratulating the talented players.

President Boric's Instagram post highlighted the positive social impact of trading card games, emphasizing the collaborative spirit fostered within these competitive communities.

Pokémon TCG World Champion Honored by the President of Chile

Cifuentes' achievement was further commemorated with a personalized framed card featuring him and his championship Pokémon, Iron Thorns. The card's inscription reads: "Fernando and Iron Thorns. Ability: World Champion. Fernando Cifuentes, from Iquique, created history as the first Chilean World Champion at the 2024 Pokémon World Championships Masters Finals in Honolulu, Hawaii." President Boric's familiarity with Iron Thorns reflects his own enthusiasm for Pokémon, previously expressing his fondness for Squirtle during his 2021 presidential campaign. To mark Cifuentes' victory, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs presented him with a Squirtle and Pokéball plush.

Cifuentes' Path to Victory: A Narrow Escape

Cifuentes' journey to the championship wasn't without its challenges. A near-elimination in the Top 8 against Ian Robb, followed by Robb's disqualification for unsportsmanlike conduct, led to an unexpected semi-final match against Jesse Parker. Cifuentes emerged victorious, ultimately defeating Parker and runner-up Seinosuke Shiokawa to claim the $50,000 prize.

For a comprehensive recap of the 2024 Pokémon World Championships, please refer to our related article.

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